Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dipping My Toes in the Blog Current

I'm not sure why I resist certain technological advances. I didn't move from Windows 98 to XP until my tax software said it would no longer support 98. It takes me days to work up the nerve to install a new program, even if it's one I've been waiting to arrive in the mail. Blogging is my latest hurdle.

Or, perhaps, the entire Net 2.0 reality is what I've been fighting. Sitting at my desk, scrolling through the online world, I am in control. I choose what sites to visit. I decide when I want to post to a site or send an email. But blogging and sites like Face Book suddenly take away that unilateral control. People pop into my inbox requesting I be their "friend" -- and I feel antisocial if I don't. Keeping my toes firmly on the one-way bank has felt comfortable.

Too comfortable. It's time to jump off the bank and immerse myself in the riptide of the interactive world with all its exhilaration and uncertainty. I hope you don't mind if I occasionally cling to you like a bit of driftwood until I get my bearings. I have a feeling you've been in the water a lot longer than me.

I'm looking forward to pruned fingers!